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How Can You Easily Rank For The Keyword You Want On Your Website?

Have you got your eye on a keyword? Want your website to appear on Google’s elusive first page for a particular search term? It won’t be simple unless you’re Wikipedia, Vouge, or Forbes. It’s not impossible, though, either. In fact, we frequently engage in that!

Ranking for a keyword in organic search is tedious. Even if your website is brand-new and you’re trying to rank for a well-known phrase, you might not always receive the outcomes you want. However, you might begin to see benefits if you take content marketing and SEO seriously.

Following are some ways that the SEO experts at affordable ebook writing service use to rank their keywords, and now we are letting you in on our secret too!


1. Set objectives.

Your business can benefit greatly from the power of content. But mistakes are simple to make.

Many people make the mistake of attempting to have their material accomplish everything at once.

If you limit your key objectives for each piece of content to one (or a maximum of two), your outcomes will be significantly stronger.

Here are some objectives content can assist you in achieving, for instance:

  • Brand recognition
  • Free sign-ups/email leads
  • Conversions
  • Recurring clients
  • Referrals

Prior to planning your material, choose the objective you’re aiming for.


2. Perform preliminary keyword research

Check your assumptions again, even if you think you know the keyword you want to concentrate on.

Use a couple of keyword tools to obtain a sense of the keyword’s competitiveness and search volume before deciding on it. Your primary concerns should be:

• Selecting a keyword with reasonable search volume but not excessive search volume

In general, you don’t want to target a keyword with low relative search traffic if there is an equal term that is much more well-known. For instance, “blah blah jobs” are typically searched for more than twice as often as “blah blah careers.” Though certain phrases are simply too competitive and not worth your time, don’t always choose the term with the highest volume or difficulty. If you aren’t really an airline, you won’t rank for “airline.”

  • Selecting a term related to your business concept

Your chances of ranking for a keyword are better if it is related to your website and your field of expertise. Additionally, you’re more likely to see some genuine results from your ranking – keep in mind that rankings aren’t all that beneficial unless they generate quality leads and traffic. A party planning company might, for instance, focus on “how to cook for a party,” but “how to cook rice” isn’t likely to be of much interest to them or their target market.

You should also compile a list of your major keywords near variations at this point in the process. Later on, when developing and optimizing your content, these will be helpful.


3. Choose the Subjects You Want to Concentrate On

Now that you have a goal, you need to concentrate on the subjects you will address.

The “Core” includes subjects that are extremely closely related to your company’s industry.

Topics that are nevertheless relevant to your business offering but not quite as tightly as your “Core” topics are included in the “Secondary” part. Instead of concentrating solely on startups and small enterprises, you could, for instance, write about SEO more broadly.

Finally, things that aren’t a part of your core offering but are nevertheless important to your audience are included in the “Tertiary” category. You may, for instance, write on current trends in digital marketing.

According to the notion, the information in the “Core” portion increases conversions. This is due to the higher likelihood that the individuals searching under these terms are your target clientele.

Everything comes back to the objective you established in the first tutorial stage. Topics under the “Tertiary” area will probably bring you more visitors if your goal is brand awareness. However, if your goal is to increase conversions, stick to “Core” subjects that encourage people to make a purchase.

Where there is little search demand, several enterprises sell novel products (yet). In this situation, it makes more sense to concentrate on the “Tertiary” category in order to create awareness of your special offering before demand for it rises.

Try it yourself: what subjects would you classify as “Core,” “Secondary,” and “Tertiary”?


4. Investigate the Contest

After choosing a term, look it up on Google and a few other search engines to discover what your rivals are currently doing. Pay attention to in particular:

  • How many of the domains and URLs are exact match domains? Does the keyword appear in each of the top 10 URLs?
  • The titles – How does the keyword appear in the title tags?
  • Are product pages the type of content that’s ranking? Blog entries? Videos?
  • What kinds of companies are ranking? Are they well-known names? Small companies? Website news?
  • The reliability of those websites To find out the age of the top 10 sites, the size of their link profiles, and other information, you can utilize a plugin.

If you’re looking for ways to distinguish yourself, you must exert as least as much effort as your competitors. It’s the only way to outperform them.


5. Think about User Intent

You currently have a number of high-volume, low-competition keywords.

That’s excellent, but you should always take the user’s intent into account before producing content.

In essence, Google’s role is to respond to users’ inquiries. They can determine the user’s preferences for content by exploiting contextual cues. For instance, a blog article, a product page, or a special SERP component like Google maps.

You won’t likely rank if your website doesn’t meet user intent because Google would be doing its users a disservice if it didn’t match what they were looking for.


6. Develop the Content Concepts

Make a plan for the actual content you’ll produce that you hope will rank for your selected keyword next. There are numerous routes to keyword ranking, including but not limited to the following:

  • A blog post, a product page, or an article
  • An authoritative guide
  • An index or directory of links (to other pages on your website or elsewhere on the internet)

7. Carry out

The real action begins right here. Implement your plan. Again, you shouldn’t rush any of these processes, but this one is very crucial. Search engines are increasingly seeking high-quality content that helps the searcher rather than keyword-packed spam or pages stuffed with advertisements that solely serve your interests. Investigate PPC if you’d prefer to pay for visitors rather than do the work necessary to obtain “free” organic search traffic. Your mantra should be “SEO isn’t simple.”



The secret to success, as we stated at the beginning of this blog post, is to select simple, low-competition keywords.

You’ve discovered your gold mine once you’ve completed all of these tasks.

With the help of these keywords, you’ll have the highest chance of getting your content ranked, dominating Google, and accomplishing your business objectives.


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