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HomeEducationTen Best Ideas to Make your Resume Stand Out in 2023

Ten Best Ideas to Make your Resume Stand Out in 2023

  1. Don’t put too much of your data

Get the best help from Resume Builderr. Make sure to not fill your resume with too much of your personal data. The recruiter only requires your little information not your parent’s names before hiring you. Instead, just put:

-Full name


-Contact phone

-Address your profile on professional networks, such as LinkedIn (if you have one). Avoid including personal social media profiles.

-City where you live

-Age or date of birth (optional)

Here is an important observation: be careful with your names in emails and addresses on social networks. 

Internet nicknames or associations with characters from movies, comics, and video games can give the reviewer a negative impression. To look more professional, create an address with your real name and no other information.

  1. Specifically describe your ​​expertise

Present your ​​expertise, with good emphasis, then describe your personal experiences, personal data and trainings, using a few words. This little piece of information should describe your work. Example:

-Social Media and Online Advertising

-Human Resources and People Management

-Finance and Controllership

-Nursing and Health Monitoring

There is a better space to inform the desired position (purchasing manager, commercial assistant, social media analyst). It is important to know how to differentiate positions from areas of activity!

  1. Specify your background

You must describe your graduate and undergraduate courses. Use this information and remember to use the order from newest to oldest. See how to do it:

-Course type

-course title


-Course Location

-Period of the course (whether it has already been completed or is still being completed).

  1. Draw attention to your qualifications

Using a few words, summarize your qualifications, describing your expertise and your role. Example:

-Social Networks: content production, interaction with the public on Twitter and Facebook, crisis management, forwarding requests.

-Digital Advertising: Google advertising experience, campaign definition, cost planning.

Avoid putting a very long list of qualifications, even if they are important. Choose only those with more to do with the company where you are applying for a vacancy.

  1. Briefly describe your professional experience

It is the most important part of your resume, and you need to treat it with special attention. Your most recent and relevant experiences should enter here.

The order of experiences should always be from newest to oldest.

The data that should appear are:

 -Name of the company where you work or worked

 -The period in which you worked at this company (or if you are still at it)

 -Very brief description of the company

 -The last position held or function held

 -Description of your activities in this company

Another important piece of information: if you have a lot of previous experience or experience outside the area for which you are applying, leave them alone. You don’t need to create a huge list of companies to prove you have experience. Pick the five most relevant ones to drill down to, even if they’re old.

  1. Use a professional font

Since recruiters don’t have much time to review your resume, your font should be as clear and easily read as possible.

You should use a simple, customary font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Keep the font size between 10 and 12 points.

Select a clear, legible typeface to make your resume look more professional.

You should also reduce or eliminate white spaces in your document.

Too many white spaces can make your resume look sparse and empty. Shortening them will help the reader to focus on the content.

  1. Create a Professional email address

No recruiter will take you seriously or call you for an interview if your email address is something like ” “.

The best alternative is to create a professional-looking address that includes your name, a few dashes, and numbers.

If your resume includes a link to your LinkedIn profile, please personalize the link for the same reason.

  1. Tell the truth

The temptation to exaggerate or lie on the resume can be great, but avoid falling into that mistake.

If you get the job, you’ll soon get busted if you can’t justify your supposed experience or skills. This could tarnish your reputation as a professional and make it more difficult to find employment in the future.

  1. Keep your document up to date

Reviewing your resume regularly and incorporating new educational, work, or other experiences is crucial.

For example, if you’ve just done volunteer work or joined a new project, be sure to mention this – employers value candidates who strive to enrich their personal and professional background.

  1. Understand that simplicity is the best way

Huge resumes, full of difficult words and unnecessary details, do not impress anyone – on the contrary, they get lost in the pile of other resumes. Sometimes, in an attempt to get the evaluator’s attention, we exaggerate the amount of information, and the result is that the document ends up in the trash can.

Use simple, everyday words, avoid fussiness, and try to “look smart.” Be practical and objective. Pass on the idea of ​​effectiveness. A good career always starts with a good resume!


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