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HomeTechnologyThe Benefits of Promoting a Website on Google

The Benefits of Promoting a Website on Google


Business owners, especially small and medium-sized ones, often find themselves fighting for every customer, against competitors of the same size and certainly against larger competitors. In the past, the bigger the marketing and advertising budget, the greater the success. But today, the Internet and especially Google has changed the situation so that even a small business with a modest marketing budget can compete and stand in the same line with its competitors. 

The best way to realize the potential of the Internet as a marketing tool is to build a website and promote it on Google. Who needs a website? Why Google? What are the benefits of building a website and promoting it on Google and is the investment really worth it?

Who needs a website?

The simple answer to this question is – anyone who wants surfers to find him. For business owners, especially small and medium ones, advertising and promoting the business is a big challenge. 

Of course, the option of traditional advertising is open to every business – after all, television, radio and billboards are a way It is great to advertise any product or service, but the truth is that for most businesses, the budget does not allow for the purchase of advertising space and screen time anyway, so this option does exist, but it is not relevant for them.

Beyond that, large businesses and giant companies also set up websites even though they advertise through traditional channels. This is because today most consumers access the Internet first in search of products and services. The virtual space has become the most accessible and easiest place to search for any product or service. The internet is where consumers are, so business owners should be there too.

Why promote a website on Google?

Let’s start with why Google. Google is the largest search engine in the world by a very significant margin. Simply put, most of us search on Google. Investing in Google website promotion is a simple equation of cost versus benefit. For the nation of other search engines, there is no question here at all and Google wins by and large.

We will continue with why to promote a website on Google. Building a website that will represent the business, will contribute to customer recruitment, retention of existing customers and/or direct sales is essential for any business of any size. But building the website is not the last task. After all, the Internet is full of websites of all kinds, including, of course, competitor websites. On the face of it, a quality website will naturally attract surfers to it, but the reality is more complex.

When we search for any service, we will receive search results that are both sponsored (advertisements for all intents and purposes) and organic – search results that Google selects in a “natural” way. Google has a very complex algorithm that ranks websites.

The meaning of website promotion is simply to give Google the most accurate parameters that correspond to its algorithm and thus make it rank the website in a higher position for a certain phrase. The first advantage for the business to which the site belongs is visibility – the higher the site is ranked, the more surfers are exposed to it. The more surfers are exposed to it, the more likely they will contact the business and make a purchase.

What are the advantages of a site promoted in Google?

A site promoted in Google has significant advantages over sites that are not promoted. First of all, a website that is not invested in promotion efforts may be a waste of time and money simply because it is likely that it will not reach the first page of the search results (because its competitors do invest in promotion and Google will prefer their website). 

Therefore, promotion on Google is a natural continuation of building a business website. Hence, the first advantage of a site promoted in Google is the possibility to be first in its category – to be the business that surfers see first before the competitors. Additional benefits of promoting a website on Google include:

Quality traffic to the site – promotion ensures that those who come to the site did not come across it by chance, but because they were looking for a specific phrase.

Quality leads – organically promoted sites receive quality leads because the organic results are perceived as natural and not as advertising.

Creating a reliable image – surfers perceive businesses that are in a high position in the Google search results as reliable, the perception is that if a site appears high in the search results it is probably high quality and the product/service it offers is also high quality.

Conversion rate – according to data, the conversion rate of customers coming from organic search results is the highest relative to any other marketing method.

What about sponsored promotion?

When we say sponsored promotion , we mean advertising purchased from Google. Google has a huge platform of advertising options, from ads that appear at the top of the search results to ads on sites that allow this. For most businesses, sponsored promotion should be an addition to organic website promotion, another layer in the general marketing system of the business. Sponsored promotion alone will usually not provide the best results, nor the high-quality, high-quality traffic that is the goal of investing in web promotion. 

A professional digital marketing agency knows how to direct the promotion budget of the business to provide maximum results from every marketing channel including sponsored promotion.

Website promotion in Google – is the cost really worth the benefit?

The answer to this question is yes, absolutely – if the promotion is done correctly. When it comes to quality, calculated, professional and relevant website promotion, there is no doubt that the business owner will see a change in the traffic to the website. The cost of setting up and promoting a website on Google is not as high as it used to be. You can build a professional and very accurate website and promote it continuously for an amount that almost any business owner can afford to spend as part of his marketing budget.


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