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HomeTechnologyThe Top 10 Programming Languages for Beginner Software Developers

The Top 10 Programming Languages for Beginner Software Developers


Software development has become one of the hottest jobs in the business world today, and no matter how many years you’ve been working with computers, there’s always more to learn about the different languages software developers use every day. One of the most difficult things about becoming a software developer is deciding which programming language(s) to study first, so we’ve compiled this list of our favorite programming languages for beginner software developers to help make that decision easier! So without further ado, here are our top 10 programming languages for beginner software developers!

*## List of Top 10 Programming Languages for Beginner Software Developers

  1. HTML

HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With HTML you can create your own website. You can also learn to make a webpage with CSS (style sheet) and JavaScript, and learn about different coding languages like Ruby, Python, Swift, PHP, or Perl.

There are different features of HTML that you will need to know how to use when making a webpage. These include headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and tables.

Learning this language is an excellent way to get started in software development because it has the most resources available online, including books, videos, and tutorials.
Advantages of using HTML –
Easy to Learn: If you already know how to type text on a computer, then there’s not much more to learn. The HTML basics only take up one page and do not require any special tools besides your favorite browser!
Web Standards: A well-formed HTML document follows accepted standards so it’s easier for search engines to find and index them correctly. It also helps ensure compatibility across browsers.
Multiple Usage Cases: Beyond just designing webpages, HTML provides a structure for many other types of documents such as emails or other messages, marketing materials, resumes or curriculum vitae (CVs), and even research papers!
Mobile Applications: One of the newest additions to the world of web design is building responsive websites that work on mobile devices as well as computers!

  1. JAVA

Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that enables developers to create robust, high-performance applications. Java is platform-independent, meaning that it can run on any operating system, and is used in a variety of domains, from web applications to scientific computing. If you’re just starting out as a software developer, learning Java is a great way to get your feet wet.

Here are 6 things you need to know about Java :

Java was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1991.
The first version of the programming language came with a compiler, an interpreter, and an applet runner.
Java was originally designed to be simple enough so anyone could learn how to use it within one day; nowadays this is known as the Java Way.
In order to work with objects within the application and manipulate them accordingly, developers must master object-oriented design patterns. A good example of this would be an interface pattern where methods expose a list of choices that the user has without changing their original class hierarchy; this is known as the Strategy Pattern.
When Java was initially released, it cost nothing to license. Nowadays, the license fee is worth $25 per year. You can also purchase commercial licenses for large projects or enterprise licenses if your company has 25 or more employees using Java.
Even though there are newer versions of Java (Java 8), many programmers still prefer working with older versions due to backward compatibility issues when upgrading.

  1. Python

Python is a versatile language that you can use on the backend, frontend, or full stack of a web application. Python is also beginner-friendly and easy to read and write. But don’t let its simplicity fool you—Python is powerful enough to build complex applications.

Plus, with all the libraries available in Python, it’s simple to integrate code from other languages as well. It’s no wonder Python has become one of the most popular programming languages among software developers.

You’ll find countless tutorials, guides, videos, and books about how to get started with Python. With so many resources out there to help you learn this high-level language quickly, what are you waiting for?

*Here are some of our favorite resources for learning Python:
Codecademy: Codecademy will teach you the basics, but is lacking in more advanced topics like GUI design.
Thinkful: More expensive than Codecademy, but covers more material at a deeper level than Codecademy does.
Code Avengers: One free lesson and then additional courses must be purchased.
Stack Overflow: For answers to your questions related to all things coding-related!
Wikipedia: The self-proclaimed free encyclopedia that anyone can edit contains an excellent introduction to computer science that touches on some key points relevant to Python programming.
DataCamp (website): Interactive courses aimed at teaching data science skills which include lessons specific to working with Python.

  1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile scripting language that runs on nearly every platform. It’s used in web development, desktop applications, mobile apps, and more. If you’re interested in becoming a software developer, you need to know JavaScript.

Here are 10 reasons why learning JavaScript as a beginner programmer will give you an edge in the job market:

You can build interactive websites
You can create animations with HTML5 canvas
You can create rich user interfaces
You can code games with HTML5 canvas and WebGL
You’ll have access to Node.js, which allows developers to write server-side programs using JavaScript instead of languages like Java or PHP
There are many tutorials available online that teach beginners how to code using JavaScript
The code is not too complicated or verbose so it will be easier for beginners to learn how programming works without getting discouraged by syntax errors and bugs they don’t understand yet
With modern browsers supporting ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), there is no shortage of quality resources for teaching ES6 features such as modules, classes, arrow functions, and destructuring assignment
JavaScript was ranked #1 in IEEE Spectrum’s recent ranking of the world’s 25 most popular programming languages among software engineers
Microsoft has recently announced plans to add support for JS to their IDE Visual Studio Code and Google has just released a new tool called Polymer that makes creating custom UI components from JavaScript much easier than before.

Finally, even if you never use JavaScript outside of building websites, knowing this foundational language will make your life easier because many tools and libraries use it underneath the hood.

So if you want to start coding right away then I recommend checking out some YouTube videos about JavaScript basics and JavaScript essentials. They should provide all the information you need to get started!

  1. PHP

PHP is a scripting language that allows software developers to create dynamic web applications. PHP is a popular language for beginners because it is relatively easy to learn and use. In addition, there are many online resources available to help you get started with PHP.
Here are 3 things you should know about PHP :

The first thing you need to do when learning PHP is set up a development environment on your computer. One way to do this is by using the XAMPP application.
It’s also important to choose a text editor program in which to write your code (we recommend Sublime Text or Notepad++).
Basic programming syntax includes echo and print commands which tell the interpreter what information it should display on the screen. For example echo(Hello World!); prints Hello World! on the screen.

Another common command that programmers use is if which allows them to run certain blocks of code if certain conditions are met. Some conditional statements include if…else… if else if…else…, and switch cases.

Another command used often in PHP includes which inserts content from one file into another file so programmers don’t have to type the same content twice. There are also plenty of functions built into PHP that allow programmers to perform different tasks such as sending email messages or extracting data from databases.

Learning how these functions work can be very helpful for beginner programmers since they allow for greater flexibility when writing code.

  1. C#

C# is a versatile programming language that enables developers to build a variety of applications. It is an object-oriented language, which means it can help you model real-world objects and their interactions. Plus, C# is easy to learn if you have some experience with programming.

Here are 8 reasons why you should learn C# as a beginner software developer:

1) C# is the most popular language in the world: According to TIOBE Index’s ranking, C# was used more than twice as much as any other language in 2022.

2) A great place to start: If you want to start learning programming languages, then this one might be the best place for you because it’s easier than Java or PHP.

3) Create your own games: If you want to develop games, then this one will be helpful because the Unity3D game engine uses C#.

4) Great job opportunities: Job listings for people who know how to code in this programming language are plentiful on sites like LinkedIn and Indeed – there were close to 1 million listings last year!

5) You’ll be able to get jobs easily: Your resume won’t go unnoticed just because you don’t know Python, since employers usually want employees who know at least two different languages.

6) Suitable for many types of applications: With C#, you can create many types of apps such as operating systems and databases – both essential components of business software.

7) Work faster with pre-written code libraries: The library ecosystem is huge in C#. For example, GitHub has over 450 libraries made specifically for this language.

8) Excellent performance rating: In 2020 and 2022, Stack Overflow surveyed nearly 80 thousand users and found that they rated C# highest among all coding languages when asked about developer productivity.

  1. Ruby on Rails

If you’re interested in becoming a software developer, there are a few programming languages you should learn. Ruby on Rails is one of them. Here’s why.

It was designed to promote extreme productivity and has been used to build popular sites like Basecamp and GitHub. It can be used to create full web applications or smaller web apps that run solely on one server without requiring a back-end language.

It includes built-in support for most Internet protocols including HTTP (web pages), FTP (file transfers), SMTP (email) and XML/RPC (remote procedure calls). Its popularity isn’t limited just to startups – large companies like Twitter, Groupon, and Shopify use it as well. Its fanbase even wrote a book called Agile Web Development with Rails which you can read online for free.

It’s considered an object-oriented language. It uses classes, modules, and objects to make code reusable, which is a key principle of object-oriented programming. Ruby on Rails also has built-in support for creating web services with RESTful interfaces.

The language was designed so that developers can write code quickly while maintaining high levels of quality, making it popular among startups who often need to get a product out as soon as possible without overspending on development time.

In fact, Basecamp started using it because they wanted to launch their site within six weeks – about half of what most software companies would take with Java or PHP frameworks at that time.

  1. Swift

As a new programming language created by Apple, Swift is perfect for developing iOS and macOS apps. It’s also easy to learn, especially if you have experience with other C-family languages.

In addition to being fun and concise, Swift is fast and powerful. Plus, it’s open source, so you can contribute to the language and use it on any platform. It has all of the power of Objective-C but with fewer words and much simpler syntax.

Here are some of the Advantages of using Swift:
The ability to write code in an easy, understandable way
You can build code easily and quickly because there are fewer characters needed
Easier than C++ or Java because there are fewer features in the language
Fast compilation times: You don’t need as long to compile your code as you would need with Java or PHP, which saves time and energy.

  1. R

R is a powerful programming language that’s widely used in statistical analysis and data science. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in software development, learning R is a great place to start. Here are 9 reasons why:

Data scientists use it to work with big datasets and crunch numbers.
It’s the primary language of many open-source statistical computing packages such as Statistica, SPSS, SAS, and Stata.
It supports many types of statistical models including linear regression and generalized linear models (GLM).
It has interfaces with other languages like Java or Python which allow easy access to large sets of numerical data without downloading them into memory at once.
Unlike most popular languages, it was designed from the ground up for working with large datasets—even if the dataset contains millions of rows or columns.
In fact, one of its main design goals was to make the process of analyzing large datasets feasible.
With over 6 million lines of code written in R, there are plenty of people who can help answer your questions.
Since more programmers tend to use Unix-based operating systems like Linux than Windows these days, installing R on your computer might not be too difficult.

While there’s no Mac version yet, since OS X is based on Unix, there should be some way to install it.

One drawback: R requires knowledge of complex math concepts such as matrix algebra and calculus which beginners may find difficult at first; however this problem can be solved by taking an introductory course or learning through self-study with the help of resources available online.

  1. Objective C

If you’re looking to become a software developer, there are a few programming languages you should learn. Objective C is one of them. Objective C is a powerful, object-oriented language that is used for developing cross-platform applications. In order to use Objective C, you’ll need a solid understanding of the C programming language.

Once you have that down, you can start learning Objective C by following one of the many online tutorials or books available on the subject. With some practice, you’ll be writing Objective C code like a pro in no time! Objective C is also an ideal option if you want to create apps for Apple products, including iPhones and iPads.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a software developer, it’s important to gain knowledge of multiple programming languages. Learning Objective C will give you this valuable skill and provide you with access to more job opportunities as well.

Objective C gives programmers the ability to leverage features such as operator overloading, exception handling, reflection, strings processing, and high-level data types such as objects and classes.

It also provides developers with direct access to the latest versions of OS X’s API libraries. Learning how these features work will help guide your decision when it comes time to choose what type of development work interests you most–and help make sure your skills match up with demand from employers!


With this top 10 list, we’ve barely scratched the surface! Go explore some more! There are plenty of resources available to help you learn how to program these languages such as Code Academy, Udacity, and edX. We hope this guide helped you find the right programming language for you!



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