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Basic of Thesis Writing in Research Methodology

The thesis is a report. It describes the various aspects of your research, focusing on the results and conclusions of your data analysis. In simpler terms, the thesis is the document that includes the original research of the scholar conducted over time. The thesis is submitted at the very end of the study. Writing a thesis is separate from conducting research. 

However, it is more manageable. A thesis can be lengthy and time-consuming. The scholar has to ensure all research details are included in the thesis. All aspects of the research process, starting from planning to finishing, must be appropriately explained, justified, and defined. 

A thesis, therefore, aims to inform the academia at large what research is all about and how it should be conducted. It also keeps the critical question of why it was done under consideration and keeps the ultimate aim of research outcomes.

Thesis writing in research methodology is about developing an argument through a method that is based on scientific logic and reason, can be verifiable, and can be replicated too. Therefore, research methodology is the research procedure. 

This procedure is laborious, drawn – out, and involves multiple steps. It will do well for a scholar to maintain thesis writing in research methodology notes. 

Notes will help scholars record and organize their thesis most efficiently and effectively. However, before we can delve further into the basics of thesis writing in research methodology, we must look into the different aspects of the thesis writing format. 

Thesis Writing Format

A thesis writing format guides scholars in navigating the uncertain aspects of research that can hinder organization and clarity. It is important to remember that research begins with a persistent curiosity to find an answer to a question. 

The quest for an answer leads to identifying a research area or topic. This identification is the first step of any Humanities or Sciences thesis format. Moreover, there are different parts of a thesis that need to be included in the thesis. The following is a general outline for a thesis writing format.

The Three Parts of a Thesis

The thesis can be generally divided into three parts: the front matter, the body, and the end matter. The front matter introduces a thesis’s various aspects that frame it or anchor it in a context. Some front matter elements are the Cover, Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Glossary, Lists of Figures, Table, etc. 

The next part of a thesis is the body. It forms the main content of the thesis. It includes crucial elements like an Introduction, the Background of the Study, the Significance of the Study, a Review of Existing Literature, Materials Used, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. 

In Humanities, the thesis would usually be written like an extended essay if it’s a Qualitative Research, and much focus will be on the Analysis part. 

Sections like Materials Used and Results may not be a part of the thesis. Since the topic of our discussion is the basics of thesis writing in research methodology, we should further get into details of what exactly Research Methodology is.

For organization purposes, the body of the thesis is divided into several chapters. One of the chapters is the body of Research Methodology. This chapter is dedicated to showing the academia how the scholar conducted their research. 

Thesis writing in research methodology should be written with clarity and objectivity and follow a system. It will thus ease the reader to understand your argument, determine its credibility, and assess it critically. 

The main idea is to let the reader know that the answer that the scholar seeks could not have been developed or discovered with any other method; there was no better method to answer the scholar’s research question. 

It is also essential to reference literature related to the technique as well. It should be noted that the Methodology chapter will vary depending on the data gathering and analysis processes. However, the following are some areas typically part of the Research Methodology chapter.

The first step in the Research Methodology chapter is to describe the Research Design. Then, the scholar should justify the sample used and what process was involved in selecting the said sample. The next step is to develop an instrument or method to gather data to make observations. 

Usually, questionnaires and pre-tests are used for collecting data. The scholar must also explain why they have used a particular instrument or method and determine its validity and reliability. The final step in the Research Methodology chapter is to analyze the collected data and derive observations or results from the analyses. 

The most common analysis method is either Qualitative to identify themes or categories in the case of Descriptive or Exploratory Research or Quantitative or Statistical Analysis.

The final section of the thesis is the end matter. It includes elements like Acknowledgments, Appendices, and a Bibliography. It is the general outline of a thesis. A scholar can have all the basics of thesis writing in research methodology in PDF format. Other formats are also available, but PDF is considered to be an ideal one. 

One of the reasons is that the basics of thesis writing in research methodology in PDF format with free downloads make the overall thesis more accessible and easier to convert into a hard copy. Always focus at the unique features that should keep your research stand out from the rest. 


Thesis writing is essential for prestigious degrees like Master’s or PhD programmes across reputed institutions. Further, Research Methodology is the thesis’s most critical but also tricky one to focus at.

If the Research Methodology lacks validity, the entire research is rendered questionable. Many scholars need help to develop a Research Methodology section that can stand the scrutiny of academia. 

It is important to remember that the entire thesis process represents a scholar’s capability to develop an idea and conduct independent research. Therefore, by working on Research Methodology, a scholar can make a thesis considered a genuine contribution to the existing body of knowledge. 


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